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If you’re not already using, you should start.


I’m not quite sure yet if I’d consider Amazon a conscious enterprise, but I do know that I, along with everyone I know, use Amazon to purchase every possible thing, and enjoy the competitive prices and convenience of having these items delivered to my home.

Although Jeff Bezos doesn’t have the best rep for being much of a philanthropist (nudge nudge Jeff Bezos, whatcha gonna do with all that money?), Amazon does offer a small hidden feature to support philanthropic causes.

When you’re ready to complete your order from Amazon, be sure to go to a web browser to for checkout. There, Amazon will donate 0.5% of the total of your order to a cause of your choice.

0.5% may seem like a minuscule amount, but given Amazon’s astronomical annual revenue, every little bit adds up quickly. Last I checked, had donated almost $70 Million through this feature.

Amazon, if you’re reading this, can you add this portal to the mobile app to make it easier than logging-in through a browser every time we want to checkout through I, along with many others, would like to make the most of this generous feature:)



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